Learn What is Covered by Global Health Plans for Out-Patient Care for Expats
A lot of expats realize that buying global health insurance when living abroad is important, but often get bogged down by all the insurance terms. One such term is out-patient care. Here’s what you need to know about out-patient care for expats.
Almost all international health insurance policies will cover hospital-related care as the base of most policies. In-patient care is the care that you receive inside a hospital, but what about care outside a hospital? Global out-patient covers expatriates for emergency and non-emergency care outside a hospital setting when o hospital admission as a day-patient or in-patient is not required.
Out-patient coverage is often sold as an option as many expatriates will just buy the base hospital care policy. The out-patient modules will usually cover consultations with specialists and medical practitioners. It also covers prescribed out-patient drugs and dressings, pre-natal and post-natal out-patient care, physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic, and more.
Why Choose Outpatient Coverage?
While most out-patient services are inexpensive, some of these services can add up. Most out-patient centers specialize in one kind of treatment or procedure, or all the care you need can be provided in one place.
Do Expats Use Out-patient Services?
Most global citizens living abroad will want to choose an out-patient center instead of a hospital if the needed service is available. But global citizens should remember that many medical services can or should be done at an out-patient center.
Should I Buy Out-Patient Care When Living Abroad?
Some international citizens will not buy out-patient care as part of their global health plan because they want to save money on their insurance premiums. It is because they feel that out-patient care is inexpensive where they live, especially in the developing world. If their employer is going to pay the premium, then they may want to add it. Many expats with families will be advised to get a global health plan with out-patient care. It is recommended you consider this benefit when you are living abroad.