International Travel Insurance

by David Tompkins

International Travel Insurance  – Options for Long Term Travelers and Expats

If you are planning to live abroad, you should definitely purchase adequate global travel insurance coverage for you and your travel companions. Travel medical insurance is there to cover unexpected medical emergencies that occur while you are traveling outside your country of residence for trips up to 1 year.

Types of Travel Insurance Plans

  • Single Trip PlansInternational Travel Insurance – These travel insurance plans from IMG are meant to cover trips generally lasting from 5 to 365 days abroad for emergency sickness or accidents that require immediate attention. The IMG plans via are available to most citizens residing outside of the USA. Most plans will cover you after a deductible, but some will choose a zero deductible. Most plans will also have a policy maximum and most professionals recommend you get the largest possible policy maximum. Some plans will also cover non-medical items such as baggage, personal liability and flight delays, but really medical expense coverage should be your biggest priority
  • Travel Insurance for Visas – Many European countries in the Schengen zone require that you purchase emergency travel insurance with a zero deductible and a 30K Euro maximum. You can get the IMG Patriot plan via Global Travel and receive a confirmation of coverage with a link to a visa letter.
  • Multi-Trip Plans – if you are traveling often for trips under 1 month per trip, you may be able to purchase an annual multi-trip travel medical insurance plan to cover numerous trips you may take during the policy year. Such a plan may save you money if you travel often and are more convenient.
  • Trip Cancellation Plans – Expats or people residing outside the USA & Canada can potentially obtain travel protection plans to cover the costs of canceling your hotel, vacation, cruise or flights should you or your travel companions not be able to travel because of a named reason, such as sickness or a death in the immediate family.

Why Buy International Travel Insurance?

global insurance

You buy travel medical coverage for peace of mind, but especially because the medical costs associated with an uninsured trip can be financially ruinous to your family finances. We have heard of people experiencing medical costs in the hundreds of thousands for relatively minor medical accidents or illnesses. Some simply forget to purchase or simply think nothing bad will happen – because young or in good health – but don’t take the chance. Travel medical coverage is inexpensive and definitely worth it!

International Travel Insurance Articles

Please find a few articles of interest to people who travel often or for extended periods:

Your Health Plan May Not Cover You Abroad

If you are traveling outside your country of residence, your domestic plan probably won’t cover your medical expenses or simply doesn’t have the capabilities to handle overseas claims. Yes, some credit cards provide coverage, but it may be basic and probably won’t cover long trips!

Covering Long Trips – Long Term Travel Insurance

International Travel InsuranceIf you are traveling for a period of up to one year, you can purchase travel insurance for your trip. But trips of a year or more will mean that you should look at purchasing global healthcare instead as you will probably need something that doesn’t just cover emergencies and you may lose or not maintain your healthcare back home.

Will the Travel Insurance Cover Pre-existing Conditions?

The short answer is almost always NO – it will not cover your pre-existing condition. Some plans out there might cover the condition if stable based on the insurer’s fine print. Some providers can underwrite some pre-existing conditions in advance of purchase through a special arrangement and completion of special forms by your MD.

Yes, travel insurance can be complex and confusing, but just make sure you purchase before you go abroad! Read the fine print before you go abroad and note that the above plans are NOT available to those residing in the USA and some countries in the world.

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